The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday conducted searches at the premises of the aide of ex-Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik in the insurance 'scam' case, reported PTI citing officials. It added that the central agency conducting searches at nine locations in Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi in connection with the case. According to PTI, the officials said that CBI teams started a search operation early this morning at the residence of the former aide of the ex-Governor and other locations.
The move comes within a month of questioning Malik on April 28. As per PTI, Malik's statement was earlier recorded in October last year after he concluded his responsibilities as a Governor in Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Goa, and Meghalaya.
Notably, the central probe agency registered two FIRs in connection with the corruption allegations levelled by Satyapal Malik in the awarding of contracts for a group medical insurance scheme for government employees, and civil works worth Rs 2,200 crore. This was related to the Kiru hydroelectric power project in Jammu and Kashmir.
PTI reported that Malik had claimed he was offered a Rs 300 crore bribe for clearing two files during his tenure as the Jammu and Kashmir governor between August 23, 2018 and October 30, 2019.