New Delhi: Country’s biggest investigation agency has been making headlines over its internal feud. DSP Devendra Kumar, who was arrested yesterday over bribery matter related to CBI’s special director Rakesh Asthana, was presented in front of Delhi’s Patiala House Court on Tuesday. Asthana moved a petition in Delhi High Court seeking quashing of CBI's FIR against him and that no coercive steps be taken against him.
The CBI on the other hand sought 10 days remand of CBI Dy SP Devender Kumar. Devender Kumar's lawyer thereafter moved bail plea in Delhi's Patiala House Court.
Even the PMO has kept a constant watch in the bribery matter. After the bribery case was filed against Rakesh Asthana, who holds second most senior person in CBI; Director Alok Verma met Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
CBI conducts raids in its own building:
In a surprising move, The Central Bureau of Investigation on Monday conducted raid in its own building; which is in the office of DSP Devendra Kumar. Devendra has been accused of tampering with the statement pertaining to bribery case against Rakesh Asthana.
This comes amid the on- going feud between Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana, where both are levying several serious allegations against the other, including corruption.
CBI has filed a case against its own special Director Rakesh Asthana over an alleged Rs 2 crore bribery case. On the other hand, Asthana has called the case as conspiracy; which came as an aftermath of him exposing Alok Verma in front of PMO.
Even PMO is angry with this fight. CBI director Alok Verma also met PM Modi on Monday and gave an explanation over the same. This is the first time CBI has conducted a raid in its own office.
CBI seeks 10 days remand of CBI Dy SP Devender Kumar
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
23 Oct 2018 09:38 AM (IST)
This comes amid the on- going feud between Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana, where both are levying several serious allegations against the other, including corruption.
(Image: File | PTI)
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