New Delhi: CBI on Monday arrested five people including Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s principal secretary Rajendra Kumar for allegedly favouring a company in awarding a government contract. The CBI alleges that the scam was of Rs 50 crore. CBI would produce them in court on Tuesday.

Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia reacted sharply after the arrest, saying the Narendra Modi government was trying to destabilise the Delhi government by sending away its officers.

He said Modi government abjectly transferred eight of Delhi’s officers to places that had no need of additional officers. He said since the officers were handling important projects, the central government was trying to paralyze Kejriwal dispensation.

Questioning the timing of Rajendra Kumar’s arrest, Sisodia said that the Union Government arrested two of its senior most officers and transferred the third to paralyze CMO and destabilise Kejriwal government.

He challenged the Modi government that they could even work with peons if need be.

The CBI officials carried out searches at the Delhi Secretariat on December 16, 2015, saying they were investigating corruption charges against Rajendra Kumar.

Kejriwal claimed his office too was raided by the CBI, and linked it to a probe that he had ordered against union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on issues related to alleged corruption in Delhi’s cricket association.

The CBI, however, denied it searched Kejriwal’s office.