A 35-year-old man was arrested for allegedly "intentionally running over" a stray dog with his SUV in Bengaluru's JP Nagar on December 31. The incident, captured on video, went viral, sparking outrage. The man was identified as Manjunath Venkatesh, a resident of Shekhar Layout in JP Nagar VIIIth Phase.

Manjunath was taken into custody on Thursday evening following a complaint by an animal rights activist. He was released on bail the following day.

According to the complaint, the video clearly showed the dog, which was sleeping on the road, being deliberately run over. Police stated that the accused later disposed of the dog's body in a gunny bag. "The act is uncalled for and inhumane," the complainant added, as per the report on PTI.

The CCTV footage was retrieved from a nearby apartment. 


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Manjunath, a bachelor, told police he was hurrying to his office and failed to notice the dog. However, police noted that video evidence contradicts his claim, showing the vehicle's front-left tyre moving over the animal, as per a report on Times of India.

"We have seized the vehicle concerned," the police told PTI.

The Talaghattapura Police have booked Manjunath under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and Section 325 of the BNS. The SUV involved in the incident has been seized.

Meanwhile, in 2022, a young man driving an Audi car was arrested for running over a stray dog in in Jayanagar.