Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has registered a case against 500 protesters for showing him black flags. The flags were shown by Dalit group, who were protesting against Saharanpur violence which shook the whole city.

Over 500 protesters jammed the roads, raised slogans in protest against CM Adityanath, post which the police filed a case under section 143/341 of IPC and seven  people have been booked under criminal law in Moradabad police station.

The case has been filed after a complaint by police station in-charge Hoshiyaar Singh of Majhola police station.

The police are on a hunt of the accused.

The protesters on Sunday raised black flags against CM claiming that Dalits are being tortured under UP government’s rule in Saharanpur.

The protesters also claimed that a police official also raised his shoe which he wanted to hurl at a Dalit.

Agitated by the ‘unjust’ practices and ‘discrimination’ the protesters therefore blocked the roads and protested against the government.

The police are investigating the whole matter.

Saharanpur violence:

Thousands of people staged a massive protest on Sunday at Jantar Mantar in against alleged atrocities on Dalits in Saharanpur. The protest was called by an organisation known as the Bhim Army.

While demanding justice from Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the protestors alleged that the state government was mistreating the Dalits.

The development comes after the recent violence involving Dalits and Thakurs in Saharanpur during the birth anniversary celebrations of B. R. Ambedkar.