New Delhi: In a disturbing incident, a Delhi University student had a shocking experience in a crowded bus in the national capital; where a man sitting next to her was masturbating on the adjacent seat while looking at her.

The incident was witnessed by many inside the bus, but no one raised their voice or questioned the pervert.

The incident took place on February 7.The woman also alleged that the man tried to touch him.

The girl, who was a victim of man’s disgusting act, captured the scene and posted it on social media.
In the video, which the student has posted on social media, a middle-aged man is seen exposing and fondling himself, a bag on his lap shielding his activities from most passengers in the bus, but not from the young woman who sat next to him.

As per the woman, she shouted at the man, but the effect of the same went unnoticed as everyone else didn’t react.

The man, clearly seen in the video clip, is yet to be arrested.