New Delhi: Can fruits kill diabetes from roots? As per a viral message on social media, posted by a man who claims to be a doctor is claiming that there is a cure to diabetes; and not only this, but that the disease can be cured with fruits.

As per the general belief, diabetes can be controlled but not cured. But, the claims made on the social media forced us to find the truth behind the same.

In the viral video, Dr Vishwaroop Roy Chaudhury, who can be seen with his team showing an experiment where he tests a blood sample’s sugar level, then he adds glucose in it to show that the blood sugar level has risen. Thereafter, he adds fructose in the same to see that the blood sugar level falls.

In the video, the man further claims that doctors have been lying all this while as they tell the patients to not eat mangoes, saying who will come to doctors if everyone gets cured by consuming fruits.

To find the truth about the claims made in the video, we began our investigation and spoke to 4 top doctors of the country.

On speaking to the doctors, all the doctors declared these claims as false, saying that such claims are hollow and fruits cannot reduce the sugar level, let alone cure it.

Therefore, the viral message claiming to cure diabetes with fruits is false.