Due to "improper" software development connected to data capture and correction during the updating process of the citizenship document, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has raised concerns about the "risk of data tampering" in the NRC for Assam. For the National Register of Citizens (NRC) update exercise, it was necessary to design a highly secure and dependable software, however during the audit, "lack of proper planning in this regard" came to light, news agency PTI reported.

On August 31, 2019, the revised final NRC was published, validating 3,30,27,661 applications and included a total of 3,11,21,004 names, however notification has not yet been made.

On the final day of the winter session of the Assam Assembly on Saturday, the CAG presented a report for the year ending in 2020 that made note of the "haphazard" addition of 215 software utilities to the core software.

The study stated that it was carried out "without following to the due process of either software development or selection of vendor through eligibility assessment following a national tendering."

“Haphazard development of software and utilities for NRC data capture and correction posed the risk of data tampering, without leaving any audit trail. The audit trail could have ensured accountability for the veracity of NRC data,” the CAG report was quoted by PTI in its report.

It said that despite incurring significant costs for the public exchequer, the goal of creating a genuine, error-free NRC had not been achieved.

The study claims that there have been anomalies in the use of funds, including the excessive and illegal payment of vendors.

The CAG advised placing blame on negligent authorities for the financial irregularities and taking legal action against M/s Wipro Limited, the system integrator, for breaking the Minimum Wages Act in its compliance audit report on "logistical arrangements for NRC updation project in Assam."

A Supreme Court panel oversaw the updating of the NRC in Assam.

The CAG report said that despite incurring significant costs to the state exchequer, the goal of creating a legitimate, error-free NRC had not been achieved.

It stated that when the NRC update process had started in December 2014 and the completion target had been set for February 2015, the initial project cost was projected to be Rs 288.18 crore.

However, the final version of the document was published in August 2019, and the CAG report said that the project's cost increased to Rs 1,602.66 crore (although an expenditure of Rs 1,579.78 crore was reported).

It said that test check of records by audit has revealed “various irregularities in the utilisation of fund including excess and inadmissible payment to vendors”.

According to the study, the State Coordinator of National Registration (SCNR) should be held accountable and punitive measures should be taken against him or her.

The political department commissioner and secretary of the Assam government was chosen to serve as the SCNR for the NRC update project.

The CAG advised taking legal action against the system integrator, citing M/s Wipro Limited's non-compliance with the Minimum Wages Act in payments made to operators during its assessment.

“Accountability of the SCNR, as principal employer, should also be fixed for not ensuring compliance with the MW Act,” the report added.

The only state with an NRC, which was initially created in 1951, is Assam, which has had an inflow of migrants from Bangladesh since the early 20th century.

(With Inputs From PTI)