New Delhi: The notification of the rules of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) triggered fear and uncertainty among residents of southeast Delhi's Shaheen Bagh area. The CAA was enacted by Parliament in 2019 and aims to expedite citizenship for undocumented non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan who arrived in India before December 31, 2014.

With the recent notification of the rules, persecuted non-Muslim migrants, including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, and Christians, from these nations are now eligible for Indian nationality. However, locals in the Shaheen Bagh area express concerns that the implementation of the CAA could adversely impact the Muslim population, reported news agency PTI.

On the first day of Ramadan, the area was peaceful, with men dressed in kurta-pajamas, wearing skull caps making their way to the local mosque for afternoon prayers. This area was once the epicenter of protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) for nearly 100 days in 2019-2020.

CAA Rules: 500 Security Personnel Deployed In Shaheen Bagh To Avoid Unrest

According to a police officer, around 500 security personnel have been deployed in the area to avoid any possibility of unrest. "We have deputed a team of police personnel at different points in the area to do regular patrolling. So far, the situation is under control also because of Ramadan. We are not expecting any agitation",  PTI quoted a policeman as saying. 

However, many residents refused to speak to the media, saying they could be targeted for speaking against the current regime. The locals said they are unhappy with the Centre's decision to notify the CAA after their relentless struggle to fight against the Act. 

A resident said on the condition of anonymity, "Ramadan has started, so most of the residents in the area are busy with preparations. But in our heart, we feel anger and anguish that our struggle (anti-CAA protests during 2019-20) has gone wasted. If it was not for Ramadan, we would have protested again."

Mohammad Sajid and Huzaifa, residents of Shaheen Bagh, expressed deep apprehension and defiance in response to the implementation of the CAA. He said, "We are angry with this decision." 

A shopkeeper of the Saheen Bagh area said, "The Centre is using their power to target Muslims. We will not accept this order. It is only for the safety of our families that we are quiet."

Shopkeepers who protested against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in 2019-20 expressed disappointment with the government's decision to implement the law. They believe that the government has disregarded the concerns and struggles of the people in Shaheen Bagh who vehemently opposed the CAA.

According to one shop owner who wished to remain anonymous, it is disheartening that the government did not take into account the opposition from citizens who protested against the CAA, PTI reported.

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Official sources told PTI that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 is intended to grant citizenship and does not revoke the citizenship of any Indian citizen, regardless of their religion. They emphasised that the CAA aims to provide refuge to individuals who have faced persecution in their home countries for years and have no alternative place of shelter except India.