Burari (New Delhi) [India], July 1 (ANI): The probe into the Burari incident, where 11 people were found dead in a house, suggested 'mystical practices', police said on Sunday. The bodies were recovered from the house in Burari area of New Delhi on early Sunday morning. The bodies include seven women and four men whose mouths, eyes were tied up and taped."During a search of the house, certain handwritten notes were found which indicated observance of some definite spiritual or mystical practices by the whole family."
Meanwhile, the case has been transferred to the crime branch of the Delhi Police for further investigation. "The case has been transferred to us (crime branch) and we've inspected the site. Hand-written letters that have been recovered suggest spiritual angle to the deaths. Further investigation will reveal more," said Alok Kumar, Police Commissioner (Crime). The house was neither ransacked, nor any precious item, including mobile phones were found missing, police said.
Based on the facts and circumstances, a case of murder has been registered at Police Station Burari. A Board of Doctors has also been constituted to conduct post-mortem.
Burari death case: Probe hints towards 'mystical practices'
Updated at:
01 Jul 2018 11:32 PM (IST)
The bodies were recovered from the house in Burari area of New Delhi on early Sunday morning. The bodies include seven women and four men whose mouths, eyes were tied up and taped.
Delhi Police Commissioner (Crime) (ANI)
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