New Delhi: Mumbai Police arrested a 28-year-old man from Odisha in connection with the Bulli Bai app case. The police have so far arrested four other people in the case.

The accused has been identified as Neeraj Singh, an MBA degree holder. He was involved in the planning of the app with the main accused, PTI quoted a police official as saying.

"His role came to light during the interrogation of the accused who were arrested earlier, following which a team of the cyber police station was sent to Odisha and he was placed under arrest," the official said.

READ | Investigation Suggests Bulli Bai App Convicts Involved In ‘Sulli Deals’ Also: Mumbai Police

Earlier, Shweta Singh (18) and Mayank Rawal (21) were arrested from Uttarakhand. Engineering student Vishal Kumar Jha (21) was held from Bengaluru in connection with the case.

Neeraj Bishnoi, the alleged mastermind of the Bulli Bai app case, was arrested by Delhi police from Assam.

Earlier in the day, a Mumbai court rejected the bail pleas of Vishal Kumar Jha, Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawal.

The police opposed their bail claiming the accused used Sikh names for their social media accounts to create animosity among religious groups.

What Is The Bulli Bai App Case?

The case came to light after complaints that morphed pictures, sourced without consent, of hundreds of Muslim women, including activists and professionals, were being uploaded for "auction" on the Bulli Bai app. The app was hosted by GitHub.

The purpose of the app seemed to be to humiliate and intimidate influential Muslim women as there was no actual 'auction' or 'sale'.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with Opposition leaders demanding a clampdown on such apps. The uploading of pictures on the 'Bulli Bai' app was similar to the 'Sulli Deals' case in July last year.