Lucknow: A day after the Uttar Pradesh police claimed to have recovered a phone belonging to slain police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh from the home of the main accused Prashant Natt, his wife alleged that the police itself had planted the phone.
“Police came to us saying they have a search warrant. They asked which room is Prashant’s. Two cops went in and kept a phone on the dressing table there. When we said it isn’t ours, they told us to shut up. Police had brought the phone along with themselves,” news agency ANI quoted her as saying.
On Saturday, the Uttar Pradesh police claimed to have recovered six mobile phones from Prashant Natt’s residence. Prashant Natt was arrested on December 27 in connection with the killing of inspector Subodh Kumar Singh in the mob killing that took place in Bulandshahr district on December 3.
After the recovery of the phones from Prashant Natt’s home in Chingrawathi village, Syana police circle officer Ravindra Kumar Mishra said one of the six phones appeared to be that of Subodh Kumar Singh. Mishra said once it is established that the phone belonged to Singh, “it will help the police prove that Natt was at the crime spot and took away the phone after killing the inspector”.
Mishra said Natt’s family has been asked for the documents for the other five phones to identify their owners.
Bulandshahr: Police planted slain cop Subodh Kumar's phone at our home, alleges suspect’s wife
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
28 Jan 2019 10:34 AM (IST)
On Saturday, the Uttar Pradesh police claimed to have recovered six mobile phones from Prashant Natt’s residence. Prashant Natt was arrested on December 27 in connection with the killing of inspector Subodh Kumar Singh in the mob killing that took place in Bulandshahr district on December 3.
Bulandshahr violence
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