New Delhi: Ahead of the Budget Session of 2022-23 on February first President Ram Nath Kovind made an address to both Houses of the Parliament, in which he talked about various topics including women empowerment. 

He said that women empowerment is one top priority of his government. While talking about education and job for women he said that boys and girls should be treated as equals. 

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The President began by talking about ‘Har Ghar Jal’ and said that the aim of the Jal Jeevan Mission has brought about a huge difference in the lives of the people and that it has been of huge benefit for the women, sisters and daughters in our villages.

Talking about women's role in the rural economy, he said that banks have raised the financial help to "tune 65,000 crores to more than 28 lakh Self-Help Groups in 2021-22. This is four times the amount extended in 2014-15. The government has also provided training to thousands of members of the women self-help groups and made them partners as ‘Banking Sakhi’. These women are delivering banking services to rural households at the doorsteps".

He praised the success of the 'Ujjwala Yojana' and how the entrepreneurship and skills of the "mothers and sisters of our country have been promoted through the 'Mudra' scheme". The number of girls enrolling in schools has increased with 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' yielding positive results. Treating sons and daughters as equals, my government has also introduced a Bill to increase the minimum age of marriage for women from 18 years to 21 years at par with men.

He spoke about how by making 'Triple Talaq' a criminal offence the government was able to liberate the society from the arbitrary practice. "Restrictions on Muslim women from performing the Haj only with Mehram have also been removed", he added.

He further said that "about three crore students from minority communities were provided scholarships prior to 2014, my government has provided scholarships to 4.5 crores, such students, since 2014. This has led to a significant reduction in the school dropout rate of Muslim girls and an increase in their enrolment."

He said that a provision has been made to the Gender Inclusion Fund in the National Education Policy to promote the learning capabilities among girls and now all 33 Sanik schools admit women. 

"The government has also approved the admission of women cadets in the National Defence Academy. The first batch of women cadets will enter the NDA in June 2022. ", he added.