Mumbai: In nail-biting video footage, a woman attacked by a leopard in the Goregaon area barely survived after the predator left the premise. The woman identified as Nirmaladevi Singh has been hospitalised with minor injuries, according to the news agency ANI.

The video shows the woman sitting outside her house when a leopard pounced on her. The leopard can be seen outside the house for the moment. She suffered injury marks on her face, elbow, arm, back, and leg. However, the woman escaped this fiery attack after resisting the leopard with her walking stick. The leopard soon left the spot and fled away after she started shouting for help.

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According to the Gajanan Hire, in charge of the Thane Forest Division quoted in the Times of India report, the claw marks clearly hints that the attack was carried out by a sub-adult leopard.
“Immediately after the first attack was reported over a month ago, we sought permission from the principal chief conservator of forests to trap the animal. There is a protocol to be followed before we can lay the trap and which is being done," told Hire to the publication.

The Thane Forest Division oversees Aarey Colony where the incident occurred. Meanwhile, the forest department has installed around 10 camera traps in the vicinity of the areas where the recent attacks have taken place. The officials have ordered more camera traps to ascertain whether it is one sub-adult or more. 

Leopard attacks have been reported in the area in the last few days. Forest officials and conservationists have set up camera traps and trap cages to avoid man-animal conflict in the forest.

On Sunday, the leopard had chased a four-year-old boy who was later saved by his uncle. The boy was playing outside his home in the Unit-3 area of Aarey at around 7 pm when a leopard suddenly attacked him.