The Border Security Force (BSF) on Saturday seized more than 1 kilogram heroin in two plastic bottles from Sutlej river near the border village of Rao Ke Uttar in Punjab's Ferozepur district, said a BSF official. The BSF Punjab Frontier officials also said the drugs had been sent to India from across the border. The troops recovered the doubtful items after they saw suspicious packages floating near the bank of the river. Later, they found out that the packages contained two plastic bottles filled with heroin, weighing 1.5 kilograms.
Meanwhile, in a separate incident on June 8, Border Security Force (BSF) personnel successfully intercepted a drone. They said the drone had entered India from Pakistan via the international border in Amritsar. The BSF personnel immediately shot down the drone, said a spokesperson. Around 9 pm on June 7, BSF officers heard the buzz of a drone in Bhaini Rajputana village in Amritsar and they immediately opened fire at it.
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Later, a joint search operation, involving the BSF and Punjab Police, was conducted in the area, during which the officials discovered the damaged drone in a field adjacent to the Rajatal-Bharopal-Daoke tri-junction on the outskirts of the village. The drone was identified as a quadcopter from the DJI Matrice 300 RTK series. It was later seized by the authorities. The Matrice 300 RTK drone is categorised as an industrial-grade mapping inspection drone, as per DJI Enterprise.