Mumbai: Days after Tanushree Dutta alleged that Nana Patekar harassed her on the sets of a film in 2008, stars like Varun Dhawan and Swara Bhasker among others came out in support of the actor, saying her voice deserved to be heard. In a recent TV interview, Dutta had claimed that Patekar misbehaved with her on the sets of "Horn Ok Pleasss" 10 years ago. Asked about Bollywood's stand on the issue, Varun said that the emphasis should be on creating a workplace where everyone is respected. "We have to make our industry safe for women men and children. Everyone should be given equal respect. The issue is being covered everywhere, though I don't know too much about it. "If someone is speaking about it, you should hear the person out. It takes great courage to talk like that. I applaud that courage," the actor told reporters.
Varun was speaking at the 9th Jagran Film Festival on Sunday. Joining him for the award ceremony of the festival were directors Anurag Kashyap and Sudhir Mishra, who also insisted on creating a safe environment for women. Swara said having a safe workplace is everyone's right. "Sexual harassment at workplace is a huge issue for our society. It receives very less attention and serious conversations. We are mostly unaware about this. "Good thing is that now these issues are coming out. We should speak about it responsibly. In a collective way, we should make our workplace safe," the "Veerey Di Wedding" star said.
Anurag said introspection is the need of the hour. "It is important to change, acknowledge and accept our mistakes. It's important that we this goes even for me introspect and look back at our lives and see the wrongs we have done, what our understanding was. It's time we all grew up. It's the fault of the entire system, the conditioning," he said. Actor Pankaj Kapur said while he cannot say "who's right or wrong", an investigation should be pursued. "Whatever wrong has happened at any point of time, it must be investigated," he said. Pooja Bhatt said whenever someone voices their complains, they need to be heard. "Whenever someone complains about it, you shouldn't count it out. I don't think we should silence those voices... I find it a very frivolous conversation that 'if Bollywood stands with you or not'. Truth doesn't need PR. If you believe it, go out there and speak it. "Do not expect anyone to hold your hands and support you. Bollywood is a great place, you can expect support for award ceremonies, weddings and funerals... But in the test of life, I walk alone."
Bollywood on Tanushree Dutta: Investigate, don't silence her voice
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
01 Oct 2018 11:22 AM (IST)
In a recent TV interview, Dutta had claimed that Patekar misbehaved with her on the sets of "Horn Ok Pleasss" 10 years ago.
Days after Tanushree Dutta alleged that Nana Patekar harassed her on the sets of a film in 2008, stars like Varun Dhawan and Swara Bhasker among others came out in support of the actor, saying her voice deserved to be heard.
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