The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday took a potshot at Rahul Gandhi, alleging that a T-shirt the Congress leader wore during the ongoing "Bharat Jodo Yatra" costs more than Rs 41,000."Bharat, dekho (India, look)," BJP tweeted and posted two pictures. 

One picture was of Rahul Gandhi in the white Burberry T-shirt and the other showed the price of the T-shirt similar to the one he was wearing. The T-shirt from Burberry, which is a British luxury fashion brand, costs Rs 41,257, BJP claimed.

Hitting back, Congress said the BJP should come out of Gautam Adani's "pants' inside pockets" and look around at real India. The Chhattisgarh Congress' Twitter handle also referred to RSS as "Nagpur Wale Abba".

The Congress has on several occassions accused the Modi government of favouring "crony capitalists" and working only for "Ambani and Adani".

In another tweet, Congress said that "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's suit costs Rs 10 lakh".

"Hey... are you scared? (After) seeing the crowd gathered in 'Bharat Jodo Yatra'. Talk about the issue...Speak on unemployment and inflation. If we have to discuss clothes, then Modi ji's suit that costs Rs10 lakh and glasses that cost Rs 1.5 lakh should also be talked about," Congress tweeted.

The BJP's tweet garnered an avalance of reactions from netizens. One user alleged that such a tweet from the BJP showed that it was "rattled" by the yatra while another noted that it was not public money that Gandhi was spending on his clothes.

Gandhi kickstarted the "Bharat Jodo Yatra" from Kanyakumari on Thursday. Gandhi said the yatra was aimed at "undoing the damage done by the BJP-RSS" by spreading "hatred" in the country.

In 2018, Rahul Gandhi had come under criticism from BJP after he was seen wearing a Burberry black jacket, costing nearly Rs 70,000. Gandhi was seen in the jacket at an event in Shillong to kick off the election campaign of the party in Meghalaya.

The jacket was a two-in-one down puffer jacket from Burberry. On the Bloomingdales website, the cost of the jacket was then listed as Rs 68,145.

Amid the controversy, Rahul Gandhi said the jacket was given to him by someone in Shillong and it was not his.