New Delhi: The BJP and Shiv Sena have been squabbling over the chief minister's post in Maharashtra after comfortably winning the recent assembly elections in the state. Amid the ongoing tussle over sharing of power in the next state government, BJP's CM face Devendra Fadnavis asserted he will be the chief minister for the next five years. He also expressed displeasure over the Shiv Sena's mouthpiece 'Saamana' frequently targeting the BJP, saying its role was to "derail" the talks.

However, after Fadnavis dismissed the claims by Shiv Sena of a 50-50 agreement, Sena flaunted 'other option' to extract BJP's pound of flesh with Uddhav Thackeray canceling his party’s meeting with the BJP on the formation of the next government today.

Here are top developments in the BJP-Shiv Sena Maharashtra Chief Minister War-

1) Dismissing claims by Shiv Sena of a 50-50 agreement, Fadnavis told reporters, "I assure you that this will be a BJP-led government. The Shiv Sena was not promised CM's post for two-and-a-half years when the alliance was formalised before the Lok Sabha polls."

Watch | BJP did not promise 50-50 formula to Shiv Sena, CM Fadnavis sends message

2) The Shiv Sena meanwhile, has demanded a written assurance that the CM post will be given to them for 2.5 years.

3) The Shiv Sena and BJP were expected to hold talks over power-sharing today. However, with the parties not seeing eye-to-eye, the talks have been put on hold. As per the report, the discussions between Shiv Sena and the BJP may resume tomorrow.

4) In a no-holds-barred attack on its ally BJP, Sena leader Sanjay Raut said on Tuesday, "There's no Dushyant Chautala here whose father is in jail. We do politics of truth in Maharashtra. If someone tries to keep us away from the power, then it will not be the politics of truth. We are seeing what's happening and how low people can stoop".

Watch | BJP should follow the promise it made in front of Amit Shah before LS elections: Sanjay Raut

5) In a clear hint, Raut said, they have "other options" too, which they are not keen to explore. This was a clear message to the BJP that it can form the government, regardless of the BJP's support. This is coming in the backdrop of the offer of support by an NCP-backed Independent legislator, Shankarrao Gadakh on Monday.

6) The Sena, which won 56 seats in the Assembly polls, has claimed that its tally now has reached 61 with the support of five more MLAs. The Sena is bargaining hard for an equal share in the power, which means an equal number of ministries and the rotational Chief minister's.

7) Sena argues that the condition on which it went into a pre-poll alliance with the BJP before the 2019 General Election was that the 50-50 agreement would be abided by both for Maharashtra Assembly election as well. In fact, the reason the pre-poll alliance announcement before the General Election between the two parties got delayed because Sena wanted an assurance on the Assembly polls as well.

8) Meanwhile, the BJP, which has 105 seats in the 288-member House, isn't sitting idle either. Two Independent MLAs -- Ravi Rana (Badnera Assembly seat in Amravati district) and Kishor Jorgewar (Chandrapur) -- have pledged their support to the BJP.

9) Both parties are known for making hard bargains in the past also. After the 2014 Maharashtra election, the BJP has witnessed a decline in its numbers.

10) Sensing the situation, the Sena, therefore, is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that one of its own, possibly Uddhav Thackeray shares the Chief Minister's post this time in the rotational turn with BJP's Devendra Fadnavis. Interestingly, neither side is willing to blink first.

(with inputs from agencies)