NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday announced its verdict and said that the Lt. Governor is bound by aid and advice of Council of Ministers of Delhi.

  • Manoj Tiwari

Reacting to this, BJP's Delhi unit chief Manoj Tiwari said that since the SC said that government's decisions must be in line with the constitutional spirit, therefore, the BJP also wants the Delhi's AAP government to follow the same. He said the SC’s judgment is a tight slap on Arvind Kejriwal’s face, it showed a mirror to him.

The Supreme Court had stated that there is no space for absolutism or anarchy in our Constitution. Referencing to this, Tiwari further added that since Kejriwal does not follow the constitution and creates anarchy, therefore, he must understand this judgement.

Sambit Patra

  •  "We have seen anarchy Kejriwal never worked harmoniously. He should now desist from anarchy approach and work towards governance.

Subramanian Swamy

  •  Yes, what SC said is correct that LG must respect Delhi cabinet decisions, but if any anti-national security or anti-constitutional decision is taken, which they are capable of taking, as they are Naxalite type people, then LG can oppose.

 Nalin Kohli

  •  Don't understand how Delhi govt is claiming this to be a victory? Their main plank was that this is a state whereas Court has unequivocally said its not a state. They said they had an exclusive executive control that was rejected too. This is a UT, Centre has a role to play.

The court also said that the LG cannot act independently and has to act as per aid and advice of Council of Ministers.

In the judgement came as a major victory for Delhi government as CJI said that the concurrence of Delhi's LG is not necessary for all matters and the Lt. Governor is bound by aid and advice of Council of Ministers, subject to the proviso to Article 239 AA to refer matter to President. He cannot act independently and has to act as per aid and advice of Council of Ministers and can’t interfere with every decision of the elected government.

The SC also said that the LG should take the advice of Delhi cabinet.