New Delhi: Around 49 more Opposition MPs were suspended from Lok Sabha on Tuesday for the remainder of this winter session. On Monday, 78 MPs – 33 from Lok Sabha and 45 from Rajya Sabha – were suspended for unruly behaviour and disregarding the directions of the Chair.  

A total of 141 opposition MPs have been suspended from both houses this session so far, including the 14 Opposition MPs (13 from Lok Sabha, one from Rajya Sabha) suspended last week on Thursday.

This comes as the opposition continued to press for statements from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on last week’s Parliament security breach.

Among the major figures thrown out of Parliament in this session are the Congress' Shashi Tharoor, Karti Chidambaram, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and Gaurav Gogoi, the NCP's Supriya Sule, the Samajwadi Party's Dimple Yadav, and National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah.

Here's How Political Leaders Reacted To Mass Suspension Of MPs:

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge: In a post on X, Kharge said, "The suspension of a total of 141 Opposition MPs from Parliament reinforces our charge that an autocratic BJP wants to demolish Democracy in this country. We all know that key Bills like the Criminal Law Amendments, which unleash draconian powers and impede citizen's Rights, are listed. Modi Govt does not want the people of India to hear out the Opposition, while these Bills are debated and deliberated."

"Therefore, they have adopted this "Suspend, Throw Out and Bulldoze" tactic to destroy Democracy ! Our simple demands about the Union Home Minister making a statement in Parliament on the grave security breach and a detailed discussion on the same, remain unaltered," he added.

NCP MP Supriya Sule: “We were standing up for the farmers and demanding an enquiry (into the Parliament security breach). Why will you suspend us if we demand something for farmers? The culprit is still sitting inside (the Parliament). This is an emergency,” Sule said while speaking to ANI.

Congress MP Karti Chidambaram: Karti told ANI, "It is a mechanical exercise of the government to purge Parliament of all the opposition voices...This is soon going to resemble the North Korean Assembly. The only thing missing right now is the synchronised clapping."

BJP MP Hema Malini: "They keep raising questions and display strange behaviour. So, they have been suspended. If they have been suspended, it means they have done something wrong. Work should be done in accordance with Parliament rules. They don't do it and they have been suspended. There is nothing wrong in it, this is correct," she told ANI.

TMC MP Dola Sen: "They (government) are checking our patience, but the people of India will also show their patience. They can't understand this as they are in their arrogance of 303," Sen on suspension of MPs from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi: Speaking to PTI, she said, "The way Chairman (Rajya Sabha) said that he was pained to see the mimicry done on the steps of the Parliament, I also felt the pain. But what can be bigger a pain than the issue of security of Parliament being sidelined. We are pained by the way MPs who raise this issue are suspended."

Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan: "It is a mockery of democracy. If there is no opposition, then what is democracy? Democracy is when the Parliament has both sides, Yes and No. What is your way of deciding that certain people will be dismissed and certain will not be dismissed?" Bachchan on mass suspension of opposition MPs from the Parliament for the remainder of the winter session.

Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) MP Harsimrat Kaur Badal: "I have no words. What did they think before constructing this new Parliament building? They want to make this the graveyard of democracy...You have thrown out the entire Opposition. No action has been taken against the MP who issued passes (to the security breach accused). A new rule is being set for the new Parliament - have sleeping pills and come here as you are not allowed to open your mouth and ask questions," Badal said while speaking to ANI.

Tamil Nadu Congress President KS Alagiri: "It is like a German Parliament. In Hitler's period, they did like this. It is not the Indian Parliament. It is not based on the British or American system. Modi is based on Hitler and Mussolini. So he is doing like this," Alagiri told ANI.