Uttar Pradesh: Bharatiya Janta Party MLA Sangeet Som has once again surrounded with controversy. This time a BJP worker has accused him of fraud and claimed that Som sought Rs 43,00000 in lieu of a government building. The more shocking part about the allegation is, ‘Som didn’t do the favour and refused to return the money as well’.
The Chief of Meerut’s Ghat village Sanjay Pradhan reached SSP residence on Saturday night, where he gave a written complaint against BJP’s Sardhana seat MLA Sangeet Som.
While speaking to media, Pradhan said that he works as a contractor in PWD and several other departments.
He revealed that Som sought Rs43,00000 in lieu of promise to get a contract to build government college in Dadri, Meerut. As per Pradhan, this amount was paid in three instalments; of which once his PA, once his brother and once a hotel owner was paid the amount.
As per the complainant, MLA himself called and asked to give the payment. But, after being failed to receive the contract, the contractor sought refund of the money; but MLA’s people started avoiding him.
After this, the contractor himself reached SSP office with a complaint against Som. Taking the matter seriously, SSP has ordered a probe in the case. The SP will himself probe the case.
Som has been under a scanner many times for accepting and seeking money. He is also known for making controversial remarks.
BJP MLA Sangeet Som accused of taking bribe worth Rs 43,00000
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
10 Jun 2018 09:40 AM (IST)
As per the complainant, MLA himself called and asked to give the payment. But, after being failed to receive the contract, the contractor sought refund of the money; but MLA’s people started avoiding him.
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