New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party’s plan to go the whole hog to win all the seven seats in Delhi is reflected from the fact that it is inducing politics into schools. On Monday, Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia laid the foundation of building 11,000 new classrooms for Delhi's government schools and made the best use of the event to seek votes for their party in the approaching Lok Sabha polls.

Addressing the children and parents at the Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya at New Friends Colony after laying the foundation, both leaders asked the parents to choose whom they love more: Prime Minister Narendra Modi or their children."If you love your children, vote for those who are working for your children and if you don't love your children then go and vote for Modiji. Modiji has not built even a single classroom or a school. You have to choose between love for nation or love for Modi," Kejriwal added.

His deputy Sisodia also asked the students to thank their parents as they voted for AAP. "If the parents had not voted for AAP (in 2015), how could the party had worked for you and Delhi?"He also thanked the parents for voting AAP.

"Outside the schools, there is an atmosphere in the country where people are doing politics of temple and mosque. But the Delhi government is doing politics of building schools and education.

"I asked someone who he will vote for. He said he will vote for Modi. On being asked why he said he likes and love Modiji. I said if you really love your children, vote for those who are building schools for them," said Sisodia, also the Education Minister.

Addressing the students, he added: "Go home and ask your parents if they love you or not. If they say they love you, ask them to vote for those who are building schools."

Leader of Opposition in Delhi assembly Vijender Gupta lashed out at Kejriwal and Sisodia for “politicising” the school event. "Kejriwal should be ashamed of misleading schoolchildren. Do not make schoolchildren the victims of your cheap politics."

In an event last week, Kejriwal warned against division of votes in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Delhi and claimed that the Congress would not win a single seat in the national capital.

(With additional information from Agencies)