Amid the row over Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate's remarks against actor Kangana Ranaut, BJP MP and fellow actor Hema Malini said on Tuesday that she must take back her remarks against Ranaut. The "Queen" star is set to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi. Describing Ranaut as a bold and outspoken woman, the two-time Mathura MP said she is "perfect for politics".

Speaking to PTI, Hema Malini said, "Making such comments against a woman when you yourself are one is wrong".

Following the massive row over derogatory comments on Ranaut and Mandi posted on Shrinate's social media accounts, she came out in strong support of the actor. "Just because she comes from a film background... She is an artiste and she has proved herself as a fine actor, she has got so many awards. She is very bold, outspoken. She takes part in everything. She is perfect for politics," she said, as quoted by PTI.

The BJP MP also congratulated the four-time National Award winning actor, who is set to make her political debut from her birthplace Mandi. "She is a fighter, she will definitely fight back," said the 75-year-old. "But the kind of comments Supriya ji made against her is not nice. She should have some dignity. She should take back her words," she  further stated.

In her defence, Shrinate on Monday said that many people have access to her Facebook and Instagram accounts and one of them made the inappropriate post. She also said she had deleted the post and will take action against a parody account that is using her name.

Asked whether film personalities taking the political plunge are soft targets, Hema Malini said that may be the case but Ranaut was "so solid". The actor-politician, who is seeking a third term from Mathura in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, said Ranaut will do a good job as a potential leader from Mandi.

"She has that capability and she has an interest in politics. As artistes, our vision for a place tends to be much better than a lot of people," she said, as quoted by PTI.