New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday launched a scathing attack on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party over the issue of Uniform Civil Code and said that the BJP’s intentions behind the announcement are bad while stressing that it is the Centre’s responsibility to implement the UCC.

Addressing a press conference in Gujarat’s Bhavnagar, Kejriwal said that according to Article 44 of the Constitution, it is the responsibility of the government to enforce the Uniform Civil Code. So the government should enforce the UCC.

The legislation pertaining to UCC should be made with the consent of all the communities and it should be made by bringing all the communities together, he added.

On being asked about the proposal for the implementation of the UCC and the formation of a committee for the same by the Gujarat government, Kejriwal said that BJP formed such a committee before the Assembly election in Uttarakhand and after winning the elections, "the committee went home".

"Now a committee has been formed days before the Assembly elections in Gujarat. This committee will also go back home after the elections," the AAP chief claimed.

Kejriwal also asked why the BJP has not made such committees in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh where it is in power.

"If their intention is to implement the Uniform Civil Code, then why not implement it nationally? Are they waiting for the Lok Sabha elections?" he asked.

Terming BJP’s intentions as being bad, Kejriwal asked for the ruling BJP to be questioned on the basis of his allegations.

People Show Black Flags To Arvind Kejriwal In Navsari On Saturday

Notably, Arvind Kejriwal was shown black flags as his cavalcade passed by Gujarat's Navsari on Saturday, as reported by the news agency ANI. People were also seen chanting 'Modi Modi' and 'Chor Chor' slogans as they showed black flags to the Delhi Chief Minister, ANI reported.

Delhi Chief Minister expressed his desire to win people's hearts and make them join the party as he has been campaigning to broaden the AAP's base in the state.

Earlier on October 29, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal launched a crowdsourcing campaign asking people whom they wanted as their Chief Ministerial candidate in the upcoming Assembly election in the state.

(With ANI Inputs)