New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on trained his guns against ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat saying that the BJP government was ashamed of its schools which is why they do not give tours of these facilities to the people coming from other states, reported news agency PTI. 

The AAP leader’s comment came a day after the National Conference of School Education Ministers concluded in Gandhinagar. 

"As part of the conference, education ministers from other states were supposed to see the Gujarat Model on June 1. Surprisingly, though ministers from all over India were here, we were not shown a single government school. Why? Because they knew their schools are not worthy of being shown to others. The state government did not have the courage to show it to us," Sisodia told reporters in Vadodara.

"When someone comes to Delhi, we take them to our schools and show them how we impart education to students and how confident students are. But, the Gujarat government was ashamed, and that is why they did not show their schools," Sisodia, who handles the education portfolio in the Arvind Kejriwal government, said.

Further cornering the BJP-led state government, he asked why they could not improve the standards of schools despite being in Gujarat for 27 years in Gujarat while the AAP had done it in five years.

On June 1, Sisodia and other education ministers visited Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK), a command-and-control centre to monitor activities of state-run schools in Gandhinagar.

While speaking to reporters in Vadodara, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister claimed those at the centre could not show data of two government schools when he had asked for it.

He was speaking to reporters after inaugurating an exhibition showcasing differences between the schools run by Gujarat government and those by the AAP government in Delhi.