New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi’s Delhi’s Deputy CM Manish Sisodia on Friday alleged the BJP of ‘copying’ AAP’s model of governance in Himachal Pradesh months ahead of assembly elections.

Sisodia’s comment came after Himachal CM Jairam Thakur announced free electricity up to 150 units, free water supply, and a 50 percent rebate on bus fares for women.

Addressing a press conference, Sisodia said that the BJP government's announcement is nothing but a way of deceiving people as the BJP is completely against free electricity and water supply. He also said that there is a huge possibility of the BJP withdrawing the scheme once they win the assembly election. 

“Himachal CM has said that he will provide 150 units of electricity, water, and women's bus travel free. BJP is making electricity costlier across the country. AAP is so afraid that they are falsely copying the Kejriwal model for the elections. The people of Himachal will not fall for this show. This time he will choose AAP,” Sisodia said.

Sisodia also urged the people of the hill state to not vote for BJP and “fall in their trap.”

"Vote for the AAP in elections," he appealed to them.

Himachal Pradesh CM Jairam Thakur earlier the same day announced that his government has decided to provide free power up to 125 units and waive water bills in rural areas. He also announced a 50 percent rebate on bus fares for women. 

"What the BJP government has announced today is an attempt to partially copy the Kejriwal model of governance. They have started staging a drama of copying the Kejriwal model of governance in the state with an eye on elections," Sisodia said.

He said the BJP and its "friends" are in power in 18 states but they have not thought of providing cheaper electricity in any of these.

"Everywhere they say electricity should not be free. They make fun of such freebies. They say freebie is anti-national. They even go on to review it at the level of Central government to come out and say that freebie is destroying the country," he charged.

Sisodia claimed that BJP’s announcement is due to their fear of AAP winning the elections. 

"The BJP government is making these announcements fearing its imminent defeat in the election," he said.

"Vote for the AAP, form an AAP government. The truth is the BJP will take back all these schemes once they return to power. They have always opposed the provision of free electricity. Across the country, they have made everything costlier," Sisodia added.