The Bharatiya Janata Party took a swipe at the Congress on Saturday and said that the grand old party is in this situation today because they rejected Lord Ram. During the discussion on the construction of the historic Ram Temple and Pran Pratishta held in the Lok Sabha, BJP MP Satya Pal Singh said, "where there is Ram, there is religion".
"Where there is Ram, there is religion...those who destroy Dharma, are killed and those who protect Dharma, are protected. Congress is in this situation in this country today because they rejected Lord Ram at that time," he said.
Satya Pal Singh said it was a historic moment to witness the inauguration of the Ram temple and the "pran pratishtha" (consecration) of the idol of Ram Lalla in the present times. "Shri Ram does not belong to Hindus alone, he belongs to everyone. Bhagwan Ram is our ancestor as well as our inspiration," the former Union minister said. He further stated that the temple is not a "communal" issue as some people perceive it.
The Lok Sabha MP also slammed the previous Congress government for giving an affidavit in the court saying, "Ram Setu" was not a man-made structure and that Lord Ram was imaginary. "Where there is Ram, there is religion. Those who murder dharma are killed and those who uphold dharma are protected. The Congress is in this situation today because it rejected Lord Ram at that time," Singh said. "With the construction of the Ram temple, the long suppressed soul of the nation has awakened," the BJP MP said.