New Delhi: The BJP on Monday ratcheted up its attack on Kamal Nath ahead of his swearing-in function as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh. In a media briefing, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra attacked Kamal Nath saying the latter's name has cropped up along with affidavit & evidence in a report submitted to Nanavati Commission and should be expelled immediately by the party chief Rahul Gandhi. Patra said Gandhi should also step down as Congress party president for elevating Kamal Nath as chief minister of the central state which was won by the erstwhile party in the recent elections.

Targeting Kamal Nath, Arun Jaitley also in the morning said “it’s coincidental that Sajjan Kumar is being convicted on the day Kamal Nath is being sworn-in as Madhya Pradesh CM.”

Earlier, Delhi BJP leader Tejinder Pal Singh Bagga sat on an indefinite hunger strike against Kamal Nath being nominated for the CM's post in Madhya Pradesh, alleging that the Congress leader was involved in the anti-Sikh riots. Bagga started his hunger strike at Tilak Nagar in west Delhi where several families affected in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots live.

Defending Kamal Nath, President of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, Sunil Kumar Jakhar said the Congress leader’s name never figured in the list of those involved in the riots. Kapil Sibal also brought up the issue of the 2002 riots in Gujarat and alleged that a number of BJP leaders including PM Narendra Modi were named in the cases. “Charity should begin at home... the BJP should not give the verdict a political colour or it will damage them the most," he said.

In a significant judgement pertaining to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case, the Delhi High Court sentenced Congress leader Sajjan Kumar for conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced him to imprisonment for life. The conviction of Sajjan Kumar brought back Kamal Nath into the public eye prompting the Congress and BJP leaders to spar over it.