Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday, accusing party officials of acting like "serial killers to overthrow state governments."
He added that during the 14-hour raid at his home, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) personnel checked his clothing and even the clothes on his children, but they turned up nothing.
Slamming PM Modi, Sisodia stated: "PM Narendra Modi is the most insecure person I have seen."
Speaking at the Delhi Assembly’s special session convened on Friday, Delhi's Deputy CM stated: "Conduct 1000 more raids but you will not find anything on me. I've worked towards moving the education of Delhi forward, that's the only thing I am guilty of. They aren't able to digest the world praising what we've done."
Soon after the debate began, AAP and BJP MLAs began yelling at one another about the involvement of the national investigative agencies in the Kejriwal administration's excise policy for 2021–2022.
While the AAP's excise policy was referred to as a "scam" by the BJP, the AAP accused the saffron party of trying to entice its MLAs to overthrow the Delhi government by raising the issue.
As the BJP members screamed "Dhokha-Dhokha," the AAP legislators shouted "Khokha-Khokha," alluding to charges made by their party that the AAP was promising each of them Rs 20 crore in exchange for switching sides.
The Delhi Legislative Assembly's special session was suspended for ten minutes by Birla as both sides continued to yell.
(With Inputs From Agencies)