New Delhi: Five Maharashtra police personnel including a sub-inspector were suspended on Friday for giving special treatment to fugitive underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s brother Iqbal Kaskar in Thane jail, reported news agency ANI. As per reports, Thane police commissioner Vivek Phansalkar has suspended a sub-inspector and four constables for providing preferential treatment to Kaskar, who was arrested in an extortion case. The suspension of police officials came after a video went viral where Kaskar can be seen seated in a private car and eating biryani.
The incident reportedly took place when Kaskar was on taken to a hospital for blood and sugar levels treatment on Thursday after a court’s order. Kaskar and two of his partners were arrested by Thane Police in September 2017 in connection with an extortion case where they demanded Rs 30 lakh and four flats from a builder.
According to a report by news agency PTI in May 2018, Kaskar was admitted to the J J Hospital after he complained of chest pain and giddiness. “After he was examined at the hospital and provided necessary medical treatment, he was taken back to the Thane Central Jail. Apart from chest pain and giddiness, Kaskar also had a skin ailment,” a doctor at the hospital said. In October last year, the police had registered an offence of extortion based on the complaint of the builder against Iqbal
Kaskar and the gang members of Dawood. According to the builder's complaint, Kaskar had threatened and extorted Rs 3 crore from him over a deal of a 38-acre land in Gorai area. During the investigation, the alleged role of Dawood and Anees also came to light following which both were shown as accused, wanted in connection with the offence, the police had said.
Kaskar was booked under IPC sections 384 (extortion), 386 (extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt) and 387 (putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt, in order to commit extortion) at the Thane Nagar police station.
Biryani, cigarettes for Dawood Ibrahim’s brother Iqbal Kaskar in jail; 5 cops suspended
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
27 Oct 2018 08:25 PM (IST)
Five Maharashtra police personnel including a sub-inspector were suspended on Friday for giving special treatment to Iqbal Kaskar in Thane jail.
The suspension of police officials came after a video went viral where Kaskar can be seen seated in a private car and eating biryani. (Image: PTI)
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