Jaipur: The enforcement directorate will begin its probe against Robert Vadra in its Jaipur office for the second successive day after grilling the Delhi-based businessman for nine hours on Tuesday in connection with an alleged land scam in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district. Vadra arrived at the ED office at 10:30 am for interrogation.
Vadra, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi's husband, was in the ED’s zonal office till about 8.30 pm, only taking an hours lunch break during which he was allowed to leave the premises for an hour. His mother Maureen was also questioned for some time.
“The interrogation lasted for nearly nine hours. He has given answers to the questions from the ED officers. He will once again appear before the ED zonal office in Jaipur at 10.30 am,” Vadra’s lawyer Suman Jyoti Khaitan told reporters.
Vadra’s lawyers said his mother has not been called for questioning as she is not keeping well. She has, however, assured full cooperation in the probe, they said.
On Facebook, Vadra accused the Narendra Modi government of being vindictive ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, and putting his mother through harassment.
"Not understanding the lows of this vindictive government to be harassing a senior citizen," Vadra said, describing how his mother had lost her daughter in a car crash, her ailing son to diabetes, and her husband as well.
Bikaner land case: Robert Vadra arrives in ED's Jaipur office, probe to begin shortly
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
13 Feb 2019 08:07 AM (IST)
The enforcement directorate will begin its probe against Robert Vadra in its Jaipur office for the second successive day after grilling the Delhi-based businessman for nine hours on Tuesday in connection with an alleged land scam in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district. Vadra arrived at the ED office at 10:30 am for interrogation.
Robert Vadra (Source: PTI)
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