Bihar: On Wednesday, Special Vigilance Unit conducted raids at different locations related to Deepak Anand, former District Magistrate of Bihar's Chapra district. Raids were conducted in Patna, Sitamadi, Katihar and Jharkhand's Godda.  IAS Anand has been accused of indulging in corruption while in office for ten years.

Raids were also conducted at his relative Krishna Nand Bhagat's house. The unit has also registered a case of corruption against his wife Dr. Shikha Rani, who is pursuing Post Graduation from Katihar Medical College.

During the raids, police seized the total property of more than 1 crore.

This is the third case in the state when an IAS officer has been accused of corruption and possessing black money. Earlier in 2011, a similar case was lodged against IAS SS Verma.

Deepak Anand has served as district magistrate of Bihar's Chapra and Samastipur district.

On one hand, when Bihar's Chief Minister Nitish Kumar claims an effective law and order in the state, such raids put up questions over the administration.