Bihar Results: RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav who steered the party to emerge as single largest party in Bihar elections, even though his alliance could not manage to defeat Nitish-led NDA, has reacted on the rout suffered by party in the Bihar assembly elections. The Yadav scion who was the Chief Ministerial face of the opposition has said that the mandate of the people was given to Mahgathbandhan but Election Commission's result was in the favour of NDA.

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Thanking the people of Bihar who voted for the Grand Alliance, Tejashwi  said:"  I thank Bihar's people. The mandate favoured Mahagathbandhan, but Election Commission’s result was in NDA's favour." He said this hasn't happened first time. In 2015 when Mahagathbandhan was formed, votes were in our favour but BJP made back door entry to gain power.

Bihar elections 2020 saw a thrilling battle between Nitish Kumar-led NDA and Mahagathbandhan, with NDA emerging victorious after what can be said a bruising battle. In terms of vote-share, the difference between NDA and Grand Alliance was literally very thin.  The closeness of the race is illustrated by the fact that both NDA and MGB managed to wrest 37 percent vote share each.

Also Read | Bihar Results: Numbers Show Slim Margin In NDA Victory, Less Than 1% Vote Difference Between NDA & Mahagathbandhan

Singularly, the RJD which became the party with the highest number of seats with a haul of 75 seats, polled 96,63,584 votes, while its main competition BJP got  82,01,298 votes.

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured 125 seats and crossed magic mark of 122 seats in the 243-member house, surging ahead of Mahagathbandhan that could manage 110 seats even after the Tejashwi Yadav-led Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) emerged as the single largest party with 75 seats.