Patna: Upendra Kushwaha has returned home a few months fter merging the Rashtriya Lok Samata Party (RLSP) with the Janata Dal United (JDU). As he joined the JDU, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar entrusted him with the responsibility of chairman of the Parliamentary Board, then sent him to the Bihar Legislative Council from Governor Kota. His altitude has been steadily increasing since he joined the party. In this sequence, senior JDU leader KC Tyagi arrived to meet him on Monday. After the two leaders met, the round of speculation have started. 

Regarding meeting with KC Tyagi, Upendra Kushwaha said, "I have an old relationship with KC Tyagi. We have been friends, so naturally a meeting is necessary after coming to Patna. Yesterday, his all time passed in the meeting, so we had breakfast together this morning. At the same time, there was a little political discussion while sitting together."

Coordination Committee is necessary 

On the formation of a coordination committee in the NDA, Upendra Kushwaha said, "It is wrong to call it a sudden demand. The government may have been running for a long time, but the coordination committee has always been needed. If the coordination committee has not yet been formed, it does not mean that the demand should not arise. The Coordination Committee is necessary and this demand is absolutely right."

Why should the Coordination Committee be formed?

Upendra Kushwaha said, "We are not uncomfortable at all. But this does not send the right message in the public. After being in the coalition, a variety of things start to happen when the leader of all parties makes different statements. Now, as it comes to the caste census, different BJP leaders keep making different statements. So, to see all these things and to ensure that such a situation does not go ahead, it is necessary to have a coordination committee which can look into these matters and it will be possible to avoid such a situation in future." 

It is known that KC Tyagi, who arrived yesterday to attend the JDU National Council meeting, had also raised the demand. He had said, "It happened during the time of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and George Fernandes and all the work was done with great ease. We will be very happy if the Coordination Committee is formed in the NDA at the national and state level. If this happens, the statements which sometimes appear will be stopped and the NDA will work comfortably."