Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswhi Yadav stated on Sunday that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is trying to divert attention away from real issues. His words were made in reference to the current "Ramcharitmanas" controversy raging in the state. The Bihar deputy CM said, "Is it an issue? Constitution gives us freedom of speech. Why is nobody talking about price rise&unemployment? They (BJP) can do anything they want, mahagathbandhan will not break," news agency ANI quoted him as saying.

Bihar education minister Chandra Shekhar had remarked that the Ramcharitmanas, like the Manusmriti and A Bunch of Thoughts of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's (RSS) second sarsanghchalak (chief) MS Golwalkar, is a "divisive text" has focused attention on divisions between the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), to which the minister belongs, and its (United). However, unlike in prior situations, the RJD appears to be supporting the minister, and this appears to be the result of a well-planned strategy, as per media reports.

While the JD(U) has increased pressure on the RJD, saying it believes in the "composite culture of Ram-Rahim (Hindu-Muslim harmony)," the Tejashwi Yadav-led party appeared to withdraw its support for the minister on Saturday. It did not, however, categorically deny Chandra Shekhar's remarks.

JD(U) MLC and spokesperson Neeraj Kumar was quoted as saying by The Indian Express, “We believe in Ram-Rahim culture … a composite culture. We follow the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, who said ‘Hey Ram’ before dying, BR Ambedkar who is among the makers of the Constitution and Dr Rammanohar Lohia who used to hold Ramayana fairs. Maybe he (Chandra Shekhar) knows more than the three people I named.”

RJD spokesperson Mrityunjay Tiwari that there was no question of any dispute over either Ram or the Ramcharitmanas. “The debate is over some verses of the text. It could be the minister’s own interpretation of those verses,” he said, Indian Express reported. 

This incident occurs at a time when certain JD(U) members are dissatisfied with RJD chairman Lalu Prasad and Tejashwi's unwillingness to discipline former agricultural minister Sudhakar Singh, who has regularly criticised Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.

Singh resigned from the Cabinet in October after Kumar publicly chastised him for statements he made about government policies and the drought-like situation in Bihar. The RJD, while dissatisfied with the way the CM handled the situation, persuaded Singh to resign in order not to upset the mahagathbandhan (grand alliance) government 2.0 and give the BJP political mileage.

Kartik Kumar, also known as Kartikeya Singh, was permitted to resign from the cabinet in September after his portfolio was transferred from Law to Sugarcane Industry. However, it appears to be firm this time.

(With Inputs From Agencies)