Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav on Saturday called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a "liar" over his remark on AIIMS Darbhanga. Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Manuskh Mandaviya asserted that the Modi government "does not do politics in development", mentioning that permission for AIIMS Darbhanga was given in 2020. Senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi also lashed out at Chief Minister Nitish Kumar stating that he "doesn't want that an AIIMS should be made in Darbhanga".

Earlier today, Deputy CM Yadav accused Modi of 'safed jhooth' (blatant lying) earlier in the day when he mentioned AIIMS in the north Bihar district of Darbhanga. He stated: "Today PM Modi said that he has opened AIIMS in Darbhanga. This is a lie. I appeal to PM to first inquire about it and then speak. No AIIMS has been opened in Darbhanga. It is the effort of CM Nitish Kumar that AIIMS will be opened in Darbhanga."

''The fact is, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had taken initiative for AIIMS, Darbhanga and a piece of land, suitably located just a few kilometres from a national highway, was also allocated. But the Centre threw a spanner by claiming the location of the land was not convenient,'' he further stated, PTI reported.

In response to Tejashwi Yadav's allegations, Mandaviya posted: "Modi government does not do politics in development but does politics of development. Our intention is clear. The permission for AIIMS Darbhanga was given by the Modi government on 19 September 2020 and the first land was given by the Bihar government on 3 November 2021."

"After this, you came to the government and changed this place on April 30, 2023 while doing politics," he further wrote in a series of posts.

Mandaviya mentioned that the expert committee inspected the land and checked it according to the rules.    

"On May 26, 2023, the health ministry sent a letter to the Bihar government informing that the second land provided by it is not suitable for the construction of AIIMS. You tell me why the land was changed, in whose interest was it changed?" he asked.

"What did your own MLA say in the Bihar Legislative Assembly about the unsuitable land given for AIIMS? Come out of politics and immediately give proper place for construction of AIIMS! We are ready to build AIIMS in Bihar," the Union Health Minister wrote on X.

Bihar CM Doesn't Want AIIMS To Be Made In Darbhanga: Sushil Modi

"Bihar CM doesn't want that an AIIMS should be made in Darbhanga. The proposed land for the hospital wasn't found suitable by a team sent by Centre," former Bihar deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi told news agency PTI. 

In June, the Union government had dismissed the Bihar government's proposed site for the establishment of Bihar's second All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Darbhanga district, calling the plot "unsuitable" and requesting that the state government provide an alternative site for the project. 

It was the second time the project's location had caused problems. According to Sushil Modi, previously the state government handed over 80 acres of land on the Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) campus after the state Cabinet approved the transfer of 200 acres of DMCH property for the project.

However, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar later stated that the project will be relocated to a more accessible site, according to the BJP leader. 

PM Modi spoke about AIIMS, Darbhanga in his address via video conference to the Panchayati Raj Parishad in West Bengal. He made a mention of the proposed hospital while highlighting that premier health centres were set up in all parts of the country to ensure that people did not have to travel long distances for medical treatment.    

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