New Delhi: Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, tested positive for Coronavirus. On the advice of doctors, he has isolated himself at his home, his office informed on Monday.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said earlier in the day that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
He said he had "minimal symptoms" and is under home quarantine in a tweet.
"I have tested positive for Corona today with mild symptoms. I am under home quarantine. I request everyone who have recently come in my contact to isolate themselves and get tested," Defence Minister tweeted.
Due to a new variant, Omicron, Covid cases have been on the rise in the country.
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Bihar Covid-19 Cases
Bihar recorded 5,022 new cases on Sunday, up from 4,96 the day before, bringing the total to 7,45,399 infections.
The death toll has risen to 12,101 after one person died of the virus in the last 24 hours. On Sunday, there were 16,897 active COVID-19 instances, up from 12,311 the day before.
Patna, the state capital, had the maximum number of new cases, with 2,018. Patna had 1,314 and 1,956 new COVID-19 cases on Friday and Saturday, respectively.