New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday hit out at the Narendra Modi-led Union government over the issue of Adani row and IT 'surveys' on BBC saying that if someone speaks against the Modi government, "they face consequences".

"Every member and party in Parliament have the right to speak about any issue. When we were in Parliament, we were heard. Even when we were in govt, Former PM Atalji used to listen to the Opposition. If you (Modi govt) reject it (Adani row) then it must be an internal matter," news agency ANI quoted the Chief Minister as saying.

On the issue of IT 'survey', he remarked: "We can see what they (Modi govt) want, if action is taken then it seems clear. If someone will speak against them (Modi govt) they'll face consequences. Those who want to speak and write against us can do so, eventually, it's the public who'll decide (sic)."

The Income Tax department's marathon "surveys" at BBC's offices ended on Thursday, after clocking nearly 60 hours, as officials took with them an inventory of financial data from select staffers and cloned electronic data.

The operation that began at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) offices in Delhi and Mumbai around 11:30 am on Tuesday, ended just after 10 PM Thursday, news agency PTI reported citing sources. 

Nitish Kumar emphasised that people of every religion, and sect live in India. "If one wants to do this (make India 'Hindu-Rashtra') then one wants to destroy the country. We should only adhere to what the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi said. He was killed eventually. We are following the path of Gandhiji," he said, as per ANI.

ALSO READ | Will Continue To Report Without Fear Or Favour, Says BBC As Tax Survey Ends After Nearly 60 Hours

Notably, the Bihar Chief Minister on Thursday said that he has no desire to be in the race for prime ministership, voicing disapproval of slogans raised by workers of his JD(U).

According to news agency PTI, Nitish Kumar, who has become a strong votary of opposition unity since he parted ways with the BJP in August last year, was replying to queries from journalists about chants of 'Nitish for PM' from JD(U) workers off and on.

"I keep telling them not to do so. I have no such wish," said the longest-serving CM of Bihar, who is being accused by the BJP of having betrayed the mandate of the last assembly polls for pursuing his own national ambitions.