New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, after chairing an an all-party meeting in Patna on Wednesday, said that a “caste-based count” would take place in the state soon and information regarding the same would be put out in the public domain, reported news agency ANI. Nitish Kumar said a Cabinet decision would soon be taken on undertaking a socio-economic survey of all castes and communities in the state.
“In the meeting we unanimously decided that a caste-based count will be done in a set time frame. Soon a cabinet decision will be taken and it will be available in the public domain,” said Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, quoted by the news agency.
At the meeting, leader of the opposition Tejashwi Yadav represented the RJD while the BJP, which has been reluctant on conducting a caste census nationally, had Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishor Prasad and state unit chief Sanjay Jailswal among its representatives.
Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav highlighted that the "it’s a caste-based survey, not a census" and suggested that social anthropologists should also be included in the exercise. He also said that the survey should be supported by the Union government.
“It's a caste-based survey, not a census. It's our win. Today we suggested (in the all-party meeting) that social anthropologists should be included in this. Central government should support it financially. This survey is in the interest of people of Bihar,” Tejashwi Yadav said.
The RJD leader further said that the survey might take place in the month of November at the time of Chhath puja when many natives from the state who live in different parts of the country would be in Bihar for the festival.
“We've said to bring the (bill) in the next cabinet meeting and start it in the month of November. During Chhath puja people who reside outside Bihar will also come to the state and till then we can complete preparations for it,” he said.