A Bihar man took his wife to hospital after she suffered a snakebite, and, in a surprise twist, also brought the snake that bit her. According to NDTV, the man, named Rahul, reached the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Bhagalpur, and said, “This snake bit my wife, please save her.”  

His wife Nisha, 29, was bitten by the snake while she was cleaning the house. When she shouted for help, Rahul rushed in and found the snake hiding behind the picture of a deity. 

He picked up the reptile with a stick and put it in a bucket. By that time, his wife had fainted. Rahul then somehow propped Nisha up on his bike and rushed her to the hospital. He hung the bucket containing the snake on the handlebar, reported NDTV. 

The doctors at the hospital asked Rahul to put away the snake, and then took Nisha to the emergency room for treatment. They assessed the reptile’s venom, and based the treatment on this. Nisha’s condition is said to be stable. 

Man Bites Snake After It Bites Him

The incident comes just days after a man bit a snake after being bitten by the reptile in Bihar, believing it would reverse the venom’s effect. The snake died, while the man, Santosh Lohar, survived after receiving medical treatment, The Times Of India reported. Lohar, a railway employee, was part of a team that was laying tracks in Rajauli.

At night, when the worker was settling in, he was bitten by a snake. He reacted quickly by grabbing the snake and biting it twice, in line with a local myth. 

He was surrounded by his colleagues, who rushed him to hospital. He remained hospitalised overnight and was discharged in the morning. It is not clear what kind of snake attacked the railway employee.