A four-member committee of Bharatiya Janata Party’s women parliamentarians on Sunday visited the residence of a 14-year-old girl whose burnt body was found in Rajasthan’s Bhilwara last week. They met the family members of the girl whose body parts were found in a coal furnace after she was allegedly raped. In a video posted by news agency ANI on Twitter, the BJP women leaders were seen interacting with the family members and locals at the site. The case has sparked widespread outrage with the BJP mounting attack on the ruling Ashok Gehlot government.

One of the BJP MPs, Locket Chatterjee said, "It is brutal. We can't express it. I met the family. There are no words to express. The Govt is silent. Nobody is speaking a word.”

She further opined that the police could have saved the girl if they had been alert. Chatterjee also hit out at Ashok Gehlot-led Congress government and said they speak about other states but not about what is happening in their own states, in reference to Manipur violence. She also demanded that Rajasthan Chief Minister resign as the entire country is looking at Rajasthan.

Another BJP MP, Saroj Pandey, who was also part of the committee, described the entire incident as a heinous crime that took place as a result of the Government’s "negligence".

Further hitting out at the Rajasthan government and the Congress party, Pandey said the victim’s family must be given compensation. She also contended the Gehlot government does not seem serious about the matter as no action was ever taken against the Constable who, according to her, should have been suspended. 

She was quoted as saying by ANI: “Priyanka Gandhi, who gives the slogan of 'ladki hoon, lad sakti hoon' doesn't say anything about this. Gehlot government is an insensitive and dead government."

BJP MP Kanta Kardam, who was also present at the site, termed the entire case as a very sad incident.  After meeting the girl’s family and parents, she said the state administration has not visited Bhilwara to date. 

She said, “Locals say that they went to the Police Station when the girl could not be found, but they were not listened to. Had the administration been alert, this incident could have been averted. Action should be taken. This Government should be dismissed."

Congress Asks BJP Not To Politicise

Commenting on the matter, Rajasthan Minister and Congress MLA Pratap Khachariyawas said told ANI that everyone including the government is saddened by the Bhilwara incident. He added that the accused should be apprehended and strict action should be taken.

However, Khachariyawas also said that BJP should understand and "not politicise" the matter. He further hit out at the saffron party for increasing crimes against women in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

10 Accused Held In Connection With Bhilwara Case

Meanwhile, a total of ten individuals, including four women, have been booked in connection with the alleged gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl in Bhilwara, Rajasthan, whose body parts were found in a coal furnace, news agency PTI reported by citing the police last Friday. Authorities have arrested four men, and one minor has been detained in relation to the case.


According to the report, the victim's alleged murder and subsequent burning in a coal furnace in a village in Bhilwara have sparked outrage, with locals claiming that she was also subjected to gang rape. An Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) from the Kotra police station has been suspended for alleged negligence in the case.

The ASI reportedly failed to act promptly when the girl's family members reported her disappearance on Wednesday, it said.

According to the police, partially burned body parts suspected to belong to the deceased were discovered in a village pond on Friday during a search operation, PTI reported.