BENGALURU: In what could be termed as the night of shame for the Garden city of India, several women were allegedly molested and heckled on New Year's Eve by a  mob of unruly men in Bengaluru.

The incident happened on the night of December 31 at the city's MG Road and Brigade road, where people converged in large numbers to welcome the arrival of 2017.

Hooligans in the garb of revellers molested and passed lewd remarks on women on the streets forcing some of them to literally take off their stilettoes and walk for help, reported the Bangalore Mirror.

All of this happened despite the 1,500 policemen were deployed in the area and 'adequate' security arrangements were made.

Photos published by the newspaper and footage aired on channels show the women crying out for help and running towards cops for protection.

The police said no complaint has been registered so far despite several eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence were available.

“We got around 450 calls at the city control room when on Saturday night, especially after 10 pm till wee hours in the morning, and not even one was about women being assaulted or molested,” BM quoted Nagendra Kumar, deputy commissioner of police, Command Centre, Bengaluru, as saying.