The director and producer (Ajay K Pannalal and Tony D'Souza) of the film who were arrested were released on bail on Friday evening.
Speaking to Times of India, Lucknowite Nitin Upadhyaya, one of the three producers of the film, says, "We are under stress, but it's part of the job. The director, Ajay K Pannalal, and my co-producer Tony D'Souza, are in Jalandhar. They had a court hearing for their bail at 4.30pm and have been granted bail. One of Jalandhar's leading lawyers, Darshan Singh Dyal, has agreed to fight our case. Let's see what happens next."
The trouble rose for the makers after a Jalandhar resident had filed a private criminal complaint against them at Jalandhar Magistrate Court.
Explaining the look, Rajkummar had told news agency IANS: "My character Gattu works in this Jagran Mandali owned by Shruti's (Hassan) character's family in the film and Gattu plays Shiva in it."
He sports a long mane, a moon crescent on his head, a rudraksh bracelet -- and he sits casually -- with a bored look on his face -- atop a silver motorbike with slippers on his feet. The backdrop is of a street with shops with their shutters down.