After the 'all-party' meeting on the Bangladesh crisis, the Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday accused the Centre of harbouring an "obnoxious mindset". The AAP claimed that despite having 13 Members in Parliament — 3 in Lok Sabha and 10 in Rajya Sabha — it was not invited to be part of the all-party meeting that concerned India's national security. However, other Opposition parties, led by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, seemed satisfied with the government's steps over the Bangladesh crisis.

AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said: "The issue of national security does not depend on with whom the Prime Minister is happy or upset. Not inviting the Aam Aadmi Party, a national party with 13 MPs, to this important all-party meeting shows the petty mentality and lack of seriousness of the government."

"What happened in Bangladesh started with the issue of reservation. The matter took such a serious turn that the Prime Minister had to flee the country. The government there put the leaders of the Opposition parties in jail. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was also accused of influencing the elections," Sanjay Singh said.

ALSO READ | Bangladesh Crisis Orchestrated By Foreign Nation? What Rahul Gandhi Said At All-Party Meet

Singh said that he hoped for an elected government to be established in Bangladesh to preserve the values of democracy and peace. "Now, whatever government is formed there, it should have good relations with India. Along with this, we also need to keep an eye on the borders at this time," Sanjay Singh added.

Earlier, RJD MP Manoj Jha said that one of the reasons for the protests in Bangladesh was the undermining of democratic values. He said the crisis in Bangladesh was the result of several reasons, including, extremism and lack of economic development.

Opposition, Centre In Sync Over Bangladesh Crisis

Although the AAP is disappointed over its exclusion from the all-party meeting on Tuesday, most of the other Opposition parties seemed satisfied as they extended their support to the Centre. The Opposition parties, led by Rahul Gandhi at the all-party meeting said they would back the government on its decisions for the safety of Indians in Bangladesh.

The Centre, too, thanked the Opposition for their "unanimous support to the government. The government said that the situation did not warrant the immediate evacuation of around 12,000 to 13,000 Indians still in Bangladesh.

Where Is Sheikh Hasina?

The violence continued in Bangladesh on Tuesday, mounting the extent of the massive loss of life and property damage. Local media reports pegged the deaths on Monday at 135.On Tuesday, the Prime Minister's office was ransacked and important files were stolen. 

Meanwhile, the aircraft that brought Sheikh Hasina to India on Monday left for Dhaka on Tuesday, but the former Bangladesh PM is learnt to be still in India. After the aircraft left the Hindon air base in Uttar Pradesh, there was a flurry of activity as VVIP cars zoomed into the facility. However, Hasina has not made a public appearance yet.