Ballia Shooting Incident: As the incident of killing of 46-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia by Dhirendra Singh, a close aide of BJP’s controversial MLA Surendra Singh, drew widespread flak making matters worse for Uttar Pradesh administration already receiving criticism for Hathras case; Surendra Singh who often sparks controversies with his statements, has said that his aide shot at the man in self-defence.
Also Read: Law & Order Situation Comes Under Question Again As BJP MLA's Aide Brazenly Shoots Man Dead In Front Of SDM & CO
While, the main accused Dhirendra Singh who is a close aide of Surendra Singh is still absconding even after 24 hours of brazenly killing the man in front of a crowd including SDM and CO, his brother Devendra Singh has been arrested by police.
When questioned about the incident, Ballia BJP MLA Surendra Singh appeared to defend his aide. He said, . Nobody is looking at the pain of six women who have been injured in the incident. Dhirendra Singh fired in self-defence.
“The incident is very upsetting, it should not have taken place but I condemn the one-sided investigation of administration,” he said.
“If he wouldn't have fired then dozens of his relatives would've been killed. Wrongdoers should be punished under law. What happened shouldn't have happened but police should also act against other group which attacked women with sticks, iron rods,” said Singh.
After the Hathras case, Singh was widely criticized for his remark where he said instilling proper Sanskar In daughters will stop rapes.
"It's the duty of all mothers and fathers to imbibe good values in their daughters and bring them up in cultured environments. I am a teacher along with being an MLA. Such incidents (like rape) can be stopped only with sanskar (culture), not with shasan (good governance) or talwar (referring to sword or might)," the BJP's Surendra Singh said on Saturday,” he had said.
On Thursday, the man named Jai Prakash (46) was shot dead allegedly by Dhirendra Pratap Singh after the SDM decided not to go ahead with the meeting due to a dispute between members of self-help groups.
'He Fired In Self-Defence,' Controversial MLA Surendra Singh Defends His Aide Over Ballia Shooting Incident; Accused Still At Large
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
16 Oct 2020 02:14 PM (IST)
While, the main accused Dhirendra Singh who is a close aide of Surendra Singh is still absconding even after 24 hours of brazenly killing the man in front of a crowd including SDM and CO, his brother Devendra Singh has been arrested by police.
Image: ANI
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