The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Friday sought a CBI inquiry into the killing of two Muslim men from Rajasthan whose bodies were found in a vehicle in Haryana, saying that the Bajrang Dal's name was being brought into the case owing to "political prejudice," news agency PTI reported

According to the Rajasthan Police, a half-dozen persons have been held for questioning in connection with the killing of two men who were reportedly abducted by cow vigilantes on Wednesday and discovered dead inside a torched car in Loharu, Bhiwani, on Thursday morning.

In their police complaint, the deceased's family members claimed that the persons who abducted the two men belonged to the Bajrang Dal.

Speaking with PTI, Rajasthan's Bharatpur Range Inspector General of Police Gaurav Srivastava stated: "Those named in the FIR are associated with the Bajrang Dal but whether they were involved in the crime or not is yet to be ascertained."

In response to the accusations, VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain said: "It seems that without preliminary investigation, the Rajasthan Police have assumed that the names taken by the smuggler's brother are responsible for the incident." 

The VHP leader called the occurrence "extremely unfortunate" and urged that the issue be investigated by the CBI, claiming that "the society in the state does not anticipate justice from the Rajasthan administration, which suffers from political prejudice." Rajasthan is ruled by the Congress party.

The perpetrators must be punished following a "fair probe" into the situation, he added, requesting that no one be detained until the investigation is completed.

"The role of the Rajasthan government in such cases has always been influenced by vote bank politics. It has been proved in many cases earlier also. The Bajrang Dal's name is unnecessarily being dragged into the matter as part of a political agenda, which is unfair,” Jain was quoted by PTI in its report.

"Whether this fire took place accidentally or was set by someone, it is yet to be investigated. The car belongs to Rajasthan but the identity of the skeletons is a matter of investigation,” he claimed.

"The Rajasthan government is guilty of taking the name of Bajrang Dal unnecessarily and it should apologize for levelling a false allegation," the VHP leader demanded.

(With Inputs From PTI)