Patna: It seems like mobile phones are turning out to be more of a hindrance than a necessity especially in office meetings. The constant incoming beeps, Whatsapp and notification alerts have become a nuisance in gatherings called to discuss to some high-priority topics. Most of us also believe it's inappropriate to answer phone calls during formal meetings.

Hence, to keep this in check, officials in Bihar have been advised to not carry their mobile phones in high-level meetings.

According to a government circular issued on Thursday, "it has often been noticed that while attending high-level meetings, officials keep talking over mobile phones. This prevents the meetings from proceeding smoothly", PTI reported.

In view of this, a decision has been taken that mobile phones will not be allowed in offices or conference halls where high-level meetings (chaired by chief minister, other ministers, chief secretary, development commissioner among others) are held, the circular signed by Principal Secretary Amir Subhani reportedly said.