New Delhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday chose to clarify that the government is not touching disputed land in Ayodhya. In the plea submitted in Supreme Court, the Centre said it had acquired 67 acres of land around the 2.77 acre disputed Ram Janambhoomi-Babri Masjid site. The plea has said that the Ram Janambhoomi Nyas, which is a trust to promote the construction of Ram Temple, had sought return of excess land acquired in 1991 to original owners.

Javadekar said the government’s decision of wanting to return excess or superfluous land around the disputed site in Ayodhya to its original owners, is being welcomed by people from all quarters. “Today government has taken a very important decision, in principle decision to return the excess land which was acquired, to the original land owners. One of the land owners for 42 acres in 67 acres is Ramjanmabhumi Nyas, so government wants to give the land back it as they want to build the temple there and it has to therefore be given back to them.”

Accusing the Congress of trying to delay the resolution of the matter beyond the upcoming 2019 general elections, Javadekar said, “the BJP always wanted the temple to be built there but the Congress only intends to create hurdles.”

He said this was a dispute of 70 years and too much delay is also one hindrance. “We expect this application will be sanctioned immediately.”

The minister clarified that the central govt is not touching the disputed land where the title suit is pending.“We are giving back the land for Ramjanmabhumi Nyas and other owners so that will pave the way for better understand or better atmosphere,” he added.