The decision was taken by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and he was also removed as the chairman of the Delhi Jal Board. Rajendra Gautam and Kailash Gahlot, meanwhile, have been included in the Delhi Cabinet.
Mishra was believed to be close to senior party leader Kumar Vishwas.
Vishwas was earlier this week given charge of Rajasthan where assembly elections are due to be held late next year.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said, reported ANI, "Water management was not up to the mark. Kapil Mishra made a lot of effort. The Chief Minister decided to bring in Kailash Gahlot in his place."
Sisodia further said that two persons have been included in the Cabinet now-Rajendra Gautam and Kailash Gahlot-for the post which was vacant.
Meanwhile, Kapil Mishra said, reported ANI-"I had informed CM that I would submit names of those to Anti-Corruption Bureau, who are involved in the delay. Will reveal big names, and maybe because of those names such a decision has been made."