Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a grand resounding welcome at Sydney’s Qudos Bank Arena during a community event on Tuesday. As the crowds cheered and applauded for Modi, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called his Indian counterpart “the boss” saying the last he saw someone on the stage was American singer Bruce Springsteen who too, did not receive a welcome like Modi did.
"The last time I saw someone on this stage was Bruce Springsteen and he did not get the welcome that Prime Minister Modi has got. Prime Minister Modi is The Boss,” Albanese said in his introductory remark.
Addressing the Indian diaspora, PM Modi said that it is the mutual trust and respect that bind India and Australia. Modi also said that he has kept his promise that the Indians in Australia will not have to wait for another 28 years to see their PM.
"At the community event in Sydney, Australia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "When I came here in 2014, I made a promise to you that you will not have to wait for 28 years for an Indian Prime Minister. So, here I am in Sydney once again.," the Prime Minister said. PM Modi also mentioned Sameer Pandey being elected as the Lord Mayor of Parramatta.
The Prime Minister thanked his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese for the renaming of Harris Park as "Little India".
"At the community event in Sydney, Australia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "When I came here in 2014, I made a promise to you that you will not have to wait for 28 years for an Indian Prime Minister. So, here I am in Sydney once again.," the Prime Minister said. PM Modi also mentioned Sameer Pandey being elected as the Lord Mayor of Parramatta.
The Prime Minister thanked his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese for the renaming of Harris Park as "Little India".